General information
Room number 3-32
Work time:
Monday 10:00-15:00
Saturday 10:00-15:00
Signing up for practical work is possible only during work time of the practicum
List of works
- Astatic magnitometer. Studying of ferromagnetic magnetization vs. temperature. Описание задачи.
- Mechanical resonance. Movement of magnetized rod in non-uniform magnetic field. Описание задачи.
- Magnetic resonance. NMR graduation of electromagnet. Описание задачи.
- Magnetic resonance. FMR in ferrites. Описание задачи.
- SHF Faraday effect in ferrites. Описание задачи.
- Kerr effect. Описание задачи.
- Hall effect. Описание задачи.
- Influnece of resilient stress on magnetization curve. Описание задачи.
- Vibration anisometer. Описание задачи.
- Magnitostriction of ferromagnets. Описание задачи.
- Waves in magnetic metamaterials with strong interaction between elements. Superlense. Описание задачи.